Hall of Fame (10+ pounders)

Craig Stamps

10.69 pounder was weighed in at verified at Oak Ridge Marina

Roby Wilburn

What a birthday gift. This 10.03 pounder was caught on his birthday on June 23rd.

Zane Moore

Ok, I know this is for 10+ pounders, but this 9 pound 15 ounce fish was so close it deserves a spot in the Hall.

Mike & Darren Smith

This under was 11.84 pounds on my scale. Since it wasn't a legal fish, I couldn't take it in to get verified at the marina.

Trevor Beltran

Little fishermen catch big fish too. This one was 10.5 pounds.

Mrs. Stamper

ALMOST 10 pounder still makes the cut for the hall as Mrs. Stamper outfishes her husband with this giant.